When Ian Crowford from Plymouth Academy of Creative Arts asked me to deliver a workshop for his year 5 students that would “push their expectations and provide an insight into what ‘Great’ looked like” I was delighted to oblige.
The 9 to 10 year olds had previously created basic shadow puppets and now wanted inspiration to develop their skills for a special shadow puppet show to be part of the 2020 Mayflower celebrations in Plymouth.
I felt such a buzz from the kids, sharing our excitement about the creative process, as we explored design, articulation, lighting and performance skills. The class teacher, Ian, said that he learnt from “The professionalism of the show and the mechanics needed to build it from scratch!” and enjoyed “Seeing how ALL the children engaged with it!”
Next year the school want to book 2 days instead of 1, Ian describing the workshop as “Wonderful, an absolute must if you’re creating your own show!”
This lighting effect from my demo was a “wow!” with the children